Top 3 Strategies for Beginner Pickleball Players in Doubles

Pickleball is a fun and addictive sport that can be played by players of all ages and skill levels. However, if you’re a beginner pickleball player in doubles, there are a few strategies that you should focus on to improve your game. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top 3 strategies for beginner pickleball players in doubles and provide some additional tips and insights to help you become a better player.

Strategy 1: Communication

Communication is key when playing pickleball in doubles. As a beginner player, you may not be used to playing with a partner or communicating on the court. However, it’s important to communicate with your partner to avoid confusion and prevent collisions. Make sure to call out the ball’s location, who’s taking the shot, and where you’re positioned on the court. This will help you and your partner anticipate the next shot and move into the correct position. It’s also important to communicate with your partner about your strengths and weaknesses on the court. For example, if you’re better at playing at the net, you can let your partner know that you prefer to play in that position.

Additional Tips:

  • Use non-verbal communication, such as hand signals, to communicate with your partner
  • Don’t be afraid to ask your partner for feedback on your performance on the court
  • Work on building a rapport with your partner to improve your communication and teamwork on the court

Strategy 2: Placement

Placement is more important than power. As a beginner player, you may be tempted to hit the ball hard and aim for the corners of the court. However, this can often result in hitting the ball out of bounds or giving your opponents an easy shot. Instead, focus on placing the ball in a location that will make it difficult for your opponents to return. This could mean hitting the ball to the middle of the court or aiming for a spot that’s closer to the net.

Additional Tips:

  • Learn to “dink” – a soft shot that lands in the kitchen (non-volley zone)
  • Practice hitting the ball to different spots on the court to keep your opponents guessing
  • Be aware of your opponents’ positions on the court and adjust your shots accordingly

Strategy 3: Consistency

Consistency is key when playing pickleball in doubles. As a beginner player, you may not have the same level of control as more experienced players. However, you can still focus on hitting consistent shots that will keep the ball in play. This means hitting the ball at a medium pace and aiming for the middle of the court. By hitting consistent shots, you’ll be able to keep the ball in play and avoid giving your opponents easy points.

Additional Tips:

  • Work on your footwork to help you get into the correct position to hit consistent shots
  • Use a softer grip on your paddle to help you control the ball better
  • Don’t be afraid to play defensively if you’re struggling to hit consistent shots

As a beginner pickleball player in doubles, there are a few strategies that you should focus on to improve your game. Communication, placement, and consistency are all key to becoming a better player. By communicating with your partner, focusing on ball placement, and hitting consistent shots, you’ll be able to improve your performance on the court. Remember to practice regularly, and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback and advice from more experienced players. With time and effort, you’ll be able to take your pickleball game to the next level!

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